Ten Tips for Boosting and Maintaining Your Health as Seasons Change
Many of us find that fall brings colds and flus, in tandem with sweaters and lattes. As with last year, this year has given us unprecedented cause to support our immune systems.
Here are 10 tips to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy this season:
Cook Your Vegetables. To maintain optimal health, most people should eat nine servings of vegetables every day and what better way to enjoy the season’s bounty then a nice hearty stew? As the weather gets colder, do your digestive system a favor and cook your veggies. This makes them easier to digest.
Eat the rainbow. Dark leafy greens contain essential minerals, bright red and yellow bell peppers are high in Vitamin C, orange carrots contain beta-carotene, dark berries have bioflavonoids. All of these nutrients are vital to a healthy immune system. Variety is the key to a healthy microbiome. Aim for at least 30 different plant sourced foods per week.
Get Plenty of Rest. Follow the rhythm of the season; as the sun sets earlier, go to bed earlier.
Stay Hydrated. When it isn’t so hot out, it’s easy to forget to drink, to not feel thirsty. Try stimulating your desire to drink with warm herbal teas. There are many tasty varieties in your grocery store, and you could consider seeing your local herbalist or naturopath for a recommendation that is more tailored to your needs.
Get Fresh Air. Try to spend 20-60 minutes outdoors every day. Bundle up and get some exercise while you are out there. Walk, run, skip, dance, hop - whatever feels most right for you. Use this time to acclimate your body to the changing season and get fresh air into your lungs.
Dress in Layers. Overheating and getting chilled are powerful distractions for your immune system. Mitigate distraction through preparation!
Air Out Your Space Frequently. In an effort to conserve heat, we conserve germs as well. When you clean your house, open the windows and air it out as well!
Cut Down on Alcohol and Dairy. Both promote mucus production. If you are a smoker, now is a great time to quit.
Take Your Vitamins! Take a good quality Vitamin C, Probiotics and Elderberry Syrup for prevention of illness. If you need more targeted support, reach out to a Naturopathic doctor to get individualized advice.
De-Stress. Carve out a moment or two from your day to experience gratitude. This can be varied based on your beliefs: saying grace, meditating, or making a list of things for which you are grateful. These actions are all immune boosters.
Hive Mind Medicine blog posts are for educational purposes only and are not intended as medical advice. Please consult with your health care practitioner for personalized guidance.