Hive Mind Medicine BLOG
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What’s That OTHER Smell?
As we age, the ability of our skin's antioxidant barriers degrades. Is it a problem? Only if it leads to social isolation.
Naturopaths Make Better Livers
Dr. SS-L explains the change in terminology regarding liver disease and gives insight into why this is such an important problem to address as early as possible.
Lowering the Incidence of Dementia.
Dr. Sandberg-Lewis discusses the risk factors for developing dementia including three new ones recently identified in The Lancet. Addressing these risk factors can lower the incidence of dementia globally.
Biofeedback? Neurofeedback?
All forms of biofeedback & neurofeedback (applied psychophysiology) can be used to empower people to lower their arousal levels and enjoy a calmer approach to life.
Types of Laxatives
Dr. Craw explains the various types of laxatives and the conditions each best address.
Anti-Inflammatory Tea: Feverfew Infusion
Detailed instructions in how to make an infusion of feverfew, an anti-inflammatory tea,
Two Emotional Health Tools Explained
For more than twenty years I have taught physicians and medical students two effective methods to rapidly improve emotional health. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Eye Movement Clearing Technique (EMCT) can be done in the office (my preference) or over Zoom.
Alcohol and Sleep
Although alcohol initially acts as a sedative, it disrupts sleep. How's that work?
Brain Fog? Try Neurofeedback
Brain fog can be temporary and easily addressed or seem like it is permanent. What are the causes and how can it be addressed?
The Ileocecal Valve – Lower gate of the small intestine
Dr. SS-L explains the location, structure, purpose, malfunctions, and remedies for this important structure
Adenosine, caffeine, and your sleep.
There are several things that can influence our sleep. The adenosine sleep drive is of great importance. Dr. Craw explains how it can be affected by the presence of caffeine.
The Power of Touch
In a culture that doesn’t value tactile stimulation, it can be difficult to get the positive touch we need for good mental and physical health.. Dr. Craw offers suggestions.
Vagus Nerve: "the internet of the body"
Yodeling, along with gargling, cold showers and meditation tone the Vagus nerve.
Two Perspectives on the Medicinal Value of Cinnamon: Western & East Asian
A tasty herb valued by two distinctly different systems of medicine, cinnamon is unique.
Meat and Seafood Handling Tips for the Low Histamine Diet
How meats and seafood are prepared can affect their levels of histamine. For those with histamine intolerance, these pointers may prove helpful.
A reliable predictor of cognitive decline?
An overabundance of Theta waves may be present in people who show no outward signs of cognitive decline. Research has shown that targeted neurofeedback performed early can reverse the trend toward dementia.