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Do I Have Too Much or Too Little Stomach Acid?
The parietal cells of the stomach produce hydrochloric acid (HCl) which should be strong enough to aid the digestion and absorption of protein and minerals. HCl is also needed for absorption of vitamin B12, folic acid, and for the stimulation of gut hormones that trigger the pancreas and gall bladder to release their secretions. The acid should also kill excessive bacteria, preventing bacterial overgrowth.
Adverse health effects can occur when the stomach either over or under produces acid….
The Phases of Digestion and Elimination
Have you ever noticed that smelling your favorite food, or even just thinking about it, can make you salivate? Even before starting to eat, simply thinking about or smelling food can trigger salivation. When hungry, reading a menu or smelling food cooking triggers the onset of stomach acid and the enzyme pepsin is secreted. This is the cephalic, meaning “head”, phase of digestion. Research shows that if you eat your meals consistently at the same time each day, insulin will be secreted minutes prior to meals in anticipation of the carbohydrates that will soon enter the GI tract….