Ridiculously easy herbal ice tea/ice pops

by Kayle Sandberg-Lewis, LMT, MA, BCN-Fellow & Mom

Let’s agree that calling this a “recipe” is a big stretch. All you need is boiled hot water, your favorite herb teas, some simple fruit juice and some forms if you want to freeze pops. I like to add the juice of a lime to give it a little zest, but any citrus will add to the flavor.

Tea bag instructions say to add 8 ounces of water per bag, but since I prefer a more robust flavor for ice tea, I concentrate the brew by using 4 ounces of water per bag.

TIP: Tape the strings of the tea bags to the side of the pitcher to keep the tags from falling into the tea.

When the tea has cooled a bit, remove & squeeze the bags into the pitcher. Add fruit juice to taste, including the citrus of your choice.

TIP: Pour some of the cooled mixture into ice cube trays & use those cubes to keep your chilled tea icy. That way the tea won’t become diluted by melting ice.

For frozen pops, I prefer using silicone forms with screw tops.

  • They can tip over in the freezer and not make a mess.

  • You can eat the contents without getting your hands sticky.

  • No plastic will touch your food.

  • They’re easy to clean, dishwasher safe and durable.

  • TIP: Create a grid with tape across the top of a container - the holes “in between” are a great way to hold the tubes upright (since they don’t have flat bottoms)

  • TIP: Leave some room at the top for the freezing tea to expand.

I bought ours years ago, but recently found this source online. I hold no financial interest in the company.


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