Anne Kessler
MScN of Vibrant Health Nutrition
Anne Kessler specializes in providing holistic nutrition therapy for patients with a wide variety of gastrointestinal conditions including IBS, SIBO, candida overgrowth and SIFO, GERD, IBD, diverticulosis, Celiac Disease, histamine intolerance and MCAS, as well as food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances.
After being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at the age of 20, Anne began to use food as medicine along with targeted nutritional supplementation to support her body’s healing. Today, she is passionate about helping equip and empower others to use food as medicine so that they may also experience full and vibrant health.
Anne earned a Master of Science in Nutrition from the National University of Natural Medicine and is presently a candidate for board certification as a Certified Nutrition Specialist®. During her training at NUNM, she interned on Clinical Nutrition Shifts with Dulcie Childs, RD, and the GI Mentor Shift with Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis. She is certified through the Food as Medicine Institute as a Food as Medicine Everyday Educator.
Most weekends, you will find Anne and her husband Robert out hiking, kayaking, gardening, or enjoying their local museums and farmers markets.
Anne offers a free, one-time 15 minute call to determine if working together would be a good fit and ongoing nutrition support calls. Link to schedule below.